No amount of botox, hair retention, or anti-ageing medications can reverse the truth that our boyish good looks deteriorate as we age. Even if you look ten years younger at 50 because of a fantastic anti-ageing treatment, you will still visually age.
Contrary to popular belief, the good news is that you have much greater influence over how quickly you age. But it implies that you must do much more than start a decent skincare routine. Additionally, you need to cut back on unhealthy habits that speed up the appearance of things like wrinkles and dark circles. By avoiding these practices that can hasten skin ageing, you can keep your complexion smooth, bright, and plump.
Consuming too much alcohol
Alcohol consumption has a lot of direct consequences on our bodies that we are unaware of. It can cause inflammation and dry the skin, leading to facial flushing and even burst capillaries. All of these factors may make us appear older than we are. Alcohol use can lead to upper facial wrinkles and even puffiness under the eyes, according to studies.
Crash dieting
While it may be tempting to go on a crash diet to lose weight quickly before a big event or trip, this is never a healthy long-term strategy. In actuality, the reverse is true. According to research, crash diets might make you feel older by depleting your energy, impairing your focus, and even making you irritated or unhappy. Crash diets can also result in undesirable wrinkles and drooping skin since they don't give your skin enough time to acclimatise to rapid weight loss.
Stress and lack of sleep
Almost everyone is currently sleep deprived or under stress. Our body systems regenerate and repair themselves when we are sleeping. The effects of getting less sleep than you require can be seen on your face. Your nervous system releases stress hormones like cortisol when you are under stress. This stress hormone causes our skin to produce more oil, which clogs pores and causes acne outbreaks. Stress and sleep are strongly related; while a poor night's sleep can lead to irritation and stress, a good night's rest can improve well-being.
Going sunglasses-less
Your eye area has some of the thinnest skin and is particularly susceptible to poor habits. You're more likely to squint outside if you forget your sunglasses, and you won't even be aware that you're doing it frequently. By destroying collagen and suppleness in the skin around your eyes, rubbing your eyes can cause wrinkles and broken capillaries.
Always have a pair of sunglasses with you, and in case you forget them somewhere along the way, think about keeping an "emergency pair" in your car or handbag. Try tapping rather than rubbing your eyes if they're itchy or asking to be touched. Tapping can improve blood flow and circulation to the area, which can help you seem younger rather than generating lines and wrinkles around your eyes.