Hear the word ‘dragon,’ and one assumes we’re talking about mythical, medieval creatures, but in fact, dragon fruit very much exists in the modern world. Otherwise known as strawberry pear of pitahaya, dragon fruit has a signature one-of-a-kind look with its bright red/purple skin and light-colored pulp inside.
The tropical fruit’s origins go back to the cactus plant, which is where it gets its unique outer skin from. Its seed-spotted, sweet pulp is rich in nutrients, which is why it is a favorite among the health-conscious crowd and foodies circles.

unsplash/Nikolai Chernichenko | Dragon fruit can be recognized by its scaly spikes and bright red/purple skin.
With regards to dragon fruit’s taste, its seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and their taste is usually described as ‘nutty.’ The fruit itself has been described to taste like a mix between a watermelon, pear, and kiwi.
Low in calories and packed with vitamin C, dragon fruit has many antioxidant and health properties, which make it perfect for an everyday snack and perfectly safe to eat. However, in some rare cases, the fruit has been known to cause an allergic reaction among people with symptoms like vomiting, hives, and swelling of the tongue.
While it seems more alarming than it actually is, eating too much red dragon fruit can actually turn your urine either red or pink. This side effect might be surprising to most when they first come across it, but it also happens when you consume too many beets. Once dragon fruit is completely out of your system, your urine color should be back to normal.

unsplash/BGlen Carrie | There are two taste types when it comes to dragon fruit. One is quite sweet, while the other variety is sour.
Health Benefits of Eating Dragon Fruit
Fiber Content:
The tropical fruit is fat-free and yet loaded with fiber which makes it a great choice for an everyday snack since its leaves you feeling full for longer.
Immune System Strengthener
Due to its high Vitamin C content and antioxidant properties, eating pitahaya is a great way to boost your immune system.
Help Fight Chronic Illnesses
Antioxidant-rich foods are a great way to potentially fight chronic illnesses. This is because these diseases are propagated by unstable molecules known as free radicals that damage your body’s cells. In these instances, antioxidants help neutralize these molecules.
Help Control Your Body’s Glucose Levels
It is believed that dragon fruit can help reduce your body’s glucose levels in some cases by replacing your pancreas’ damaged cells. These cells are responsible for making insulin naturally and helping break down sugar.

unsplash/Heather Ford | When buying dragon fruit, make sure its skin has no sports and is bright and even-colored.
In short, eating dragon fruit every day is apparently deemed to be safe by health publications like Healthline, unless, of course, you encounter a rare case of an allergy. Its medical benefits are undeniable, and while there do not seem to be any side effects associated with eating dragon fruit every day, it is still recommended to consult your personal doctor nonetheless.